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Since I went to middle school, I left my hometown and moved to the city to live with my parents. I missed the time when I stayed at my hometown. I was so close to the nature, and I...
Many years ago, the movie Pirate of Carribean was popular around the world. The obvious character captain Jack was favored by fans around the world. He looked weird and he was a ba...
One day, when I was watching TV, I heard the song Yellow. The rhythm was so beautiful and I listened to the song with all my heart. I searched the information and I knew a band cal...
Yesterday afternoon, when I was sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher. Suddenly, the screen seemed moving and it started to shake. My teacher stopped his class and ...
I have a cousin, she is two years younger than me. As both of us are the only child in the family, we are very close. We play together most of the time, but we have different chara...
People always complain about the society, because they think they are treated unfairly and so many things are unpredictable. It seems that if everything is under controlled will be...
When people see the disabled man, they will feel pity and treat them as the incapable person. It is often believed that a healthy man is physically healthy, but the fact is not tru...
Everyone needs a friend, because we are not the only one in the world. We need someone to talk to and share our happiness and sorrow. Last night, I saw a movie, the protagonist’s f...
I always want to grow up soon, so that I can leave my parents and to be free all the time. But last night, I saw a movie about a child who got the magic and then he became an adult...
When we talk to other people, we will be pleased to chat with them if they are nice to us. On the contrary, if the person is rude and impolite, we will not want to listen to them. ...
阅读 (10)赞 (0)
1突如其来的到访 The Unexpected Visit阅读 (8)赞 (0)
2助人为乐 Be Happy About Helping Others阅读 (8)赞 (0)
3关爱贫困 Caring For the Poor阅读 (8)赞 (0)
4课堂上禁止带手机 No Cell Phones In the Classroom阅读 (7)赞 (0)
5世界睡眠日 World Sleep Day