2024年06月的文章 第14页
When students graduate from college and their parents start to worry about their future. The parents always want their kids to marry soon, so that they can be the grandparents. Now...
Tennis is the world’s third sport, it ranks after football and basketball. Every year, a lot of audience keeps their eyes on the four grand slam championships. It is known to all t...
Every four years, people will look forward to the biggest sport game, the Olympic Games. This year, The Rio Olympics is coming soon, as the media much pay attention to report the p...
Chairman Mao once said one is never too old to learn, his words have inspired so many people to study all the time. Life-long learning is very necessary today, many teachers have k...
众所周知,交通信号灯(traffic lights/ traffic signals)有“红灯停,绿灯行(The green light allows traffic to proceed. The red signal prohibits any traffic from proceeding.)”之说。 “开绿灯”指交通路口打开准许行人车辆通过的信号(g...
在这个看脸的社会,相比称赞颜值高的女子,怎么委婉地说长相平平的妹纸才不会被冠上“毒舌”呢?如果你只会用ugly来形容长相一般的妹纸,你真的会死的很惨。 1. Plain-Jane Plain作形容词时有“简单、朴素”之意。而英语的世界里,Jane这个名字也很普通。两个词合在一起,用来形容妹纸“相貌平平”、“不起眼”。 She‘s indeed a plain...
Nowadays, when the public holiday comes, people’s first choice is to travel. The hot tourist sites are covered with people all the time. Some people like to visit the tall building...
With the development of Internet, people can get the instant news and many people keep their eyes on the hot news, which makes other people get famous easily. As the saying that go...
1. 微信的英文微信的官方英文名称是WeChat(大写的W,大写的C)。 2. “公众号”的翻译微信的官方翻译是Official accounts。其实老外口语习惯用public accounts。还有Subscriptions也是官方翻译,是订阅号的意思。 3. “取消关注”怎么说取消关注就是unfollow,与unfollow相对的“关注”就可以用fol...
Selena Gomez, a famous and popular singer and actress in America started her new life recently. She became thinner and looked perfect when she showed in the public place. The media...