2024年07月的文章 第10页
今年的复活节和愚人节在同一天,这两个节日碰撞在一起会有什么有趣的火花呢?今天带大家一起了解。 April Fools‘ Day 愚人节 April Fools‘ Day: 愚人节,直译“四月傻瓜日”。 Fool可以做名词和动词: You are a fool: 你是个傻瓜 You were fooled: 你被愚弄了 To make a fool of so...
短语 the sands of time 是表达时间 time 的另一个说法。这个说法更有诗意,常被用在谈论时间流逝的语境中。 “I am always ready to score the winning goal,” said the footballer, dismissing those who said the sands of time are ...
In recent years, learning Chinese has aroused a great attention all over the world.And a new upsurge in learning Chinese is in the making in many foreign countries. As far as I am ...
短语 ducks in a row 的意思是把事情组织的一丝不紊或井井有条,这是个美式英语表达。 With the recession looming, the government has to get its ducks in a row and invest in job creation. The company‘s owner has given ...
很多年以前,第一次在国外用餐,喝饮料的时候我找不到吸管,然后就到服务员跟前想问哪里有吸管,结果我顿时发现,我竟然不知道吸管的英文是什么,最后比划半天对方猜出来了,但想想还挺尴尬的。 吸管的英文啊,其实就是农村里最常见的稻草:straw。吸管就像是缩小版的稻草,还挺形象的吧? 如果下一次你在国外要找吸管,你就可以这么说: Can I have a straw?...
I believe that every Chinese people are familiar with the story of Kua Fu, it says a braggadocio who miscalculating his strength, conceived the vain ambition of overtaking the flee...
Present 作为名词有两个意思。A present 意思是礼物。The present 是此时此刻。在你告诉某人应该 live in the present 的时候意思是要生活在此时此刻,集中在眼前的事情,不要管过去或将来。 Don‘t worry if your former boyfriend cheated on you. Live in the ...
搭配 “made up” 可用来描述因发生了好事而 “感到非常高兴的、欣喜不已的”。“Made up” 是形容词性短语,所以应该搭配助动词 “be” 使用,比如:She is made up. 她高兴极了。 James was absolutely made up that his team had won the final! It was the fir...
Base on the love of your job, how to keep your physical strength has become very important. 在热爱工作的基础上,如何保持体力很重要. Firstly, you need to make your body into a health status, then devo...
成语 bite off more than you can chew 的意思是你不能正确估量自己的能力,对自己估计太高或承担超过自己所能胜任的事情。 I have bitten off more than I can chew by taking on this extra work – I don‘t think I‘ll get it finished ...