2024年07月的文章 第12页
fall on your sword 的字面意思是“摔倒在自己的剑上”,实际要表达的含义是某人为一组人的行动造成的不良后果承担责任。 He doesn‘t think he‘s to blame – but he‘s falling on his sword anyway. She‘s going to resign – she‘s falling on h...
英国人有时也迷信,比如 touch wood 就是但愿走好运的意思。 I‘ve done all of the preparation for the exam, so nothing can go wrong now – touch wood! I‘ve never broken any bones, touch wood! The train is cu...
to roll out the red carpet 铺上红地毯的意思是“隆重热烈欢迎某人,给与最高待遇”。 Tom rolled out the red carpet for his girlfriend on her birthday. He bought her a beautiful necklace and made her a Thai curr...
to be the cat‘s whiskers 是一个老式表达,指某人成为了了不起的人物。 Mary thought she was the cat‘s whiskers in her new coat. This is a posh school and everybody thinks its students are the cat‘s whiske...
to bite someone‘s head off 的意思是对某人严厉斥责、大发脾气,而且往往是在对方没有准备的情况下。 I‘m very sorry I lost my temper, I didn‘t mean to bite your head off. Don‘t bite my head off, it wasn‘t my fault, I wa...
各位女同胞,三八妇女节快乐!今天我们要来聊一聊和女性有关的英语! 三八妇女节英语怎么说? 这是一个全球性的节日: International Women‘s Day: 国际妇女节 March 8th Women‘s Day: 三八妇女节 要注意Woman的发音有点搞: Woman: /‘wʊmən/ Women: /‘wɪmɪn/ 变成复数以后,o的发音也要...
我们可以用 crabby 这个词来形容那些脾气暴躁,容易发火的人。 Hi Tony. Be careful when talking to Mary. She is very crabby today! I need my coffee early in the morning or I get very crabby all day long. 值得注意的...
处于红色状态 in the red 意思就是你欠银行钱了。当一个人或企业的财务出现赤字,那就意味着他们处于负债或亏损状态。 Because the airline had to give everyone their money back after the delays, they now say they‘re operating in the red....
在你问某人发生了什么事或遇到了什么问题的时候就可以说 “what‘s up?”。 What‘s up? I came to your house to party and everybody is sitting around looking sad. What‘s up with Lauren? She‘s been acting in a very st...
如果你 hold the fort 那就是说临时代管处理事物。 When Michael, the boss, went on holiday, he asked me to hold the fort at our company. I‘m just going out to the shops for 20 minutes, can you hold t...