2024年07月的文章 第13页
所谓酸葡萄 sour grapes 这一表达就是用来形容那些因为得不到而对某事进行批评、聊以自慰的人。类似汉语中的吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。 You think my job is too tiring for me because I get to travel abroad too much? No. Your criticism is just sour g...
短语 under the table 用来形容秘密的行为,尤其是那种背地里,偷偷进行的腐败不法行为。 If you want to open a business in a country where there is a lot of corruption, you may have to make under the table payments to ...
Happy Women‘s Day! 本文和大家分享一些关于妇女节的英语,聊一聊在妇女节怎么送出最暖心的礼物。 01. 国际妇女节 国际妇女节在3月8日: International Women‘s Day is on March 8th. 注意日期要用序数词。 Ordinal:序数词 我们都知道女性的英文是woman,但它单复数的发音你确定掌握了吗? ...
full steam ahead 意思是充满信心地和精力饱满地全速前进。 We‘ve had months of setbacks but now it‘s full steam ahead. We should have the new product out by April. We‘re going full steam ahead with our ...
搭配 “have had enough with something or someone” 在口语会话中常用来感叹 “一件事或一个人的行为非常恼人,因此想让它停下来”,它强调说话人的愤怒或不满。比如,如果你已经长时间忍受一件让你感到不满的事情或行为,但终于无法承受,那么这时就可以说:“I’ve had enough. 我受够了。” My job keeps...
所谓突然一阵灵感 a flash of inspiration 就是说一个人头脑里突然冒出一个创新或革新的想法或闪念。 John‘s new travel book was a huge success after the flash of inspiration he got while sitting on the bus. The idea for m...
As we all know since we were a kid, teacher is a sacred profession, and there is a holiday to celebrate teacher, on the day, students offer flowers to teacher to honor the sacred p...
With the progress of society, some people argue that the courses in universities should be changed into more practical. In order to help students find good jobs after graduate, sch...
With the increasing number of university graduate fail to find a job, some parents start to hold the opinion that going to university is nothing but waste money and time. They argu...
There is no doubt that it is very important to keep a harmonious relationship with our roommates since we spend most of time in the dorms as college students.However, as to the bes...