2024年07月的文章 第18页
如果形容某人sailing close to the wind 意思就是某人做冒险的事或斗胆做几乎是违法的事。 John‘s business practices were sailing close to the wind. He was very close to having the company shut down. Susan‘s comment...
今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:None of your business。这个口语表达的意思是“不关你的事”“少管闲事”。 It‘s none of your business how I spend my time. 我怎么度过我的时间和你无关。 – How is your relationship with your wife going? – 你和你妻...
适时而不夸大地每天赞美一下别人,不仅仅能收获别人的好感,也能让自己每天心情美美哒!下面28句地道英语送给大家,希望多说多用,反过来你也会收获别人的回赞多多。 1. You look great today. 你今天看上去很棒。(每天都可以用) 2. You did a good job. 你干得非常好。(国际最通用的表扬) 3. We’re so proud...
如果说做一件事就像 a piece of cake, 意思就是易如反掌,小菜一碟。 Changing the wheel on the car was a piece of cake – I was happy to help! I don‘t know what all the fuss was about – the exam was a piece o...
如果某人赤手空拳做成了某件事 done something with their bare hands,那就是说他没有借助任何工具或武器就完成了这件事儿。 I didn’t have a fishing rod, so I caught the fish with my bare hands. The policeman was shocked when h...
动词短语 to clam up 用来形容一个人因为紧张,尴尬或不想谈论某件事而沉默不语。 Adam was very naughty and ate all the cookies. When his mother asked where they were he clammed up and couldn‘t tell her. When I was yo...
在一个企业里,核心领导人物往往被称为 big cheese。这个表达的字面意思是大奶酪,一个非常口语化的称呼,所以在使用时要格外注意场合,最好别直接叫领导 big cheese。 If you want to get anything done here, you need to speak to the big cheese. Since he becam...
to skate on thin ice “在薄冰上溜冰” 这个短语实际上是描述某人身处危险境地或是有惹祸上身的可能。 You‘re skating on thin ice when you ask me what I think of you. You‘re skating on thin ice by always coming in late. By ...
如果你对某人说 get a load of this,你是想让此人赶快来看看某事或有趣的信息。 Mike, get a load of this: our friend Frank is being interviewed on the TV news right now! Get a load of this: I‘ve just found out th...
当你让某人 spill the beans 的时候,你实际上是让此人把秘密告诉你,泄漏秘密。 As soon as he was arrested the thief spilled the beans: he told the police about the other members of his gang. The police caught the...