2024年07月的文章 第62页
In China, there is law to set the specific retiring age for women and men. Female can retire at the age of 55; while male have to be 60. Aim at this phenomenon, now there is a hot ...
Losing my mind 有一天早上,我到公司的办公室去复印一叠文件,复印完毕后,正要步出办公室的时候,忽然想起来最后那一张原件还在复印机内尚未取出,我转身回去取那张文件时,口中念念有词地说:“I am losing my mind。” 不料办公室内的三位女秘书都笑了起来。因为一起工作多年了,我知道她们绝对不是在嘲笑我。我马上向她们请教是什么地方出了毛病...
Being in a romantic relationship at college is becoming increasingly common, because students are no longer told by their parents what they should do and what should not do, they a...
to be dead on one‘s feet 一整天在电线杆上贴标语或招贴画确实是很累的。 马丁回到家的时候可能会感到两只脚累得连站都站不动了。 也有一个俗语来形容这种情景:to be dead on one‘s feet。 美国虽然是最先进的国家之一,但仍然有好多职业需要工作人员站着做的,售货员就是其中之一。 站了一天,到了下班的时候,他们必然会感到两...
With the improvement of material life level, more and more parents are tending to give their children material rewards. For instance, if children get a good mark in the exam, they ...
I was not born yesterday 清晨,我与洋朋友Bob相约一起去旧车行买旧车。到了旧车行,满脸热情的经理相迎而出,他毫不厌倦的向我们介绍一大堆,当他介绍一辆白色汽车时说:“这辆是1997年的车只行驶了2万Miles,还说这辆车是一位老太太使用的,她只用于每个星期去一次教堂。只见Bob回应了他一句:”I was not Born Yester...
In china, it is the traditional for high school students attend university after they graduate from high school for about three months. Many students will use these three months to...
You would have a ball 我虽然是英文的科班出身,但对于一些比较口语化及生活化的英语句子,总是听得一头雾水。 一天,报纸登出了某家儿童乐园的广告,其中一句是“You would have a ball。”,向来自以为是的我马上把它解读成“只要来,就送球”,于是赶紧带着两个小孩前往。买了票,入了场,可是球呢?怎么售票员连提都没有提?我折回去问...
As the fast development of the technology, people use computer every day, it has become part of their life. With computer, people can do a lot of things, such as reading news, maki...
There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year‘s Day(Jan.), Washington‘s Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veter...