

现阶段的教育下,学生作文一定是“没话可说”。第一是缺乏课本之外的“见识”;第二是本身缺少思辨训练。这就必然导致“套话作文”、“陈词滥调”大行其道——文章总共150词,with the development of、in a nutshell这种make no sense的词就占去了小三分之一。



比如有学生写开设calligraphy这门课程:I suggest setting up a calligraphy course.

那么在这门课上我们做什么、学什么?有同学这么写下去——in which we can appreciate ancient masterpieces,learn about the styles of Chinese calligraphy and create works of our own。



比如 写到strengthen immigrants' identification with this country(加强自我认同感),那么什么是identification呢,作者接着写到:

They may feel themselves a part of this country and are willing to make new friends with their native peers。

你看:感觉自己是a part of this country(这个国家的一部分)、willing to make new friends (结交新朋友)……这些就是自我认同的具体表现。

又如写一种类型的老师:Some of them are like storytellers,接下来便是:

It seemsthat they are able to weave anything they are teaching into a story. They takeyou in The Arabian Nights even in the most boring classes。

老师如何像个讲故事的人?他们能够把所教知识weave into a story(编成故事);他们能在最枯燥的课堂把你带入“天方夜谭”(让课堂变得有趣)。这样你是否更理解这里所说的storyteller?


如果我们用名词、形容词等,来表达某种情感、态度,则考虑后面具体行为的跟进——比如你说什么东西important(重要),那么不妨接着说说“what if without it(没有它会怎样)”。

例如说某人非常understanding,接着立刻给出they are like your perfect soul mates,who can read your mind in every situation and help you through every tough step。

这里,are like soul mates, read your mind, help you through这些动词,可以帮助读者对understanding的感受更加直观。



