











Heat Conduction热传导

原文:When a substance is heated, heat is passed from its hotter part to its cooler part. This way of passing heat is called conduction. Metals conduct heat easily. They are good conductors. Non-metals, such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily. They are bad conductors.


讲解:上文中,substance是指物质,物质也可以用matter来表示。Conduct是传递、传导的意思,做动词时重音在后,读作/ kənˈdʌkt/,conduct的名词形式是conduction,导体为conductor。导热,可以说heat conduction,也可以用passing heat来表达。

Travel of Sound声音的传播

原文:Sound is produced when things vibrate, like beating a drum or beating a guitar.Sound has to travel through solid, liquid or air to ears. When the sound is blocked by other things, it become less loud and clear. Sound travels better through liquid that through air. It travels best through solid.


讲解:travel除了指旅行,也可以表示传播,例如travel of sound声音的传播, travel of light光的传播。第一句sound is produced when things vibrate是一个被动句,由be produced构成被动结构;这句话中,vibrate的意思是震动。这段中三个关键词为solid固体,liquid液体和air空气。


lethargy n.昏睡,倦怠

nap n.v.小睡,打盹

repose v.躺着休息,安睡

slumber v.n.睡眠,安睡

slumberous adj.昏昏欲睡的

dormant adj.冬眠的,静止的

hibernate v.冬眠,蛰伏

hibernation n.冬眠

hypnosis n.催眠状态

hypnotic adj.催眠的

mesmerize v.对…催眠,迷住

narcotic n.催眠药 adj.催眠的

opiate n.安眠药,鸦片制剂

somnolent adj.思睡的,催眠的

soporific adj.催眠的,n.安眠药

insomnia n.失眠症


malevolent: 有恶意的; having vicious ill will, spite, or hatred

1) characterized by ill will or hatred

2) having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred

malevolent —– having or showing often vicious ill-will, spite, or hatred

malevolent—malicious; evil; having or showing ill will: “Some early American colonists saw the wilderness as malevolent and sought to control it.”

Synonyms: evil, hateful, vicious, vindictive

malevolent well-meaning; polite, benevolent, benign, flattering, good

The novel grossly oversimplified the conflict as a struggle between relentlessly malevolent villains on one side and faultless saints on the other.

【近】 cruel, despiteful, evil, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent

【反】 benevolent, benign, benignant 善意的,和善的

【派】 malevolence n. 恶意,恶毒

His angry glare gave away his malevolent intentions.

malign: 有恶意的; Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent

1) to speak ill of, often falsely

malign extol, laud, benevolent, charitable

charitable : malign

They maligned her academic record with false reports of her cheating.

Synonyms: defame, misrepresent, slander

(v.; adj.) to speak evil of; having an evil disposition toward others (opposite: benign)

In her statement to the judge she maligned her soon-to-be ex-husband.

She had such a malign personality that no one even tried to approach her, mostly out of fear.