

最近,英国《卫报》发表文章称,中国人“越来越爱喝”,推动世界酒类消耗与日俱增。 不过,爱喝酒这件事可不是中国人的专利,世界各国都有自己偏爱的酒类和独特的饮酒习俗。今天我们就来看看全球最“能喝”的十个国家。

10. Australia



  • Scull: 神速地喝酒
  • Legendary:享有盛名的

Australians are no longer the great drinkers they once were. Still, they have a fine legacy. This is a country whose former prime minister, the legendary Bob Hawke, was once in the Guinness Book of Records for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 2.5 seconds.


  • Abide by: 遵从
  • Be obliged to:不得不,被迫做

Old habits die hard though, so if you do go drinking with Australians, you must stillabide by the rules of “the shout.” This means once you‘ve accepted a drink as part of a round, you‘re obliged to “shout” everyone else a beverage in return — a costly business now that they‘re all on the wine.

09. Germany


  • Oktoberfest [ɔk‘təubəfest]:慕尼黑啤酒节
  • Corner the market in: 垄断
  • Czech[tʃek]: 捷克人

Germans may not be Europe‘s biggest beer drinkers — that honor goes to the Czechs — but somehow they‘ve cornered the market in celebrating its consumption. This is largely thanks to Oktoberfest, Bavaria‘s month-long answer to St. Patrick‘s Day.


  • Hop: 啤酒花
  • Barley:大麦
  • Malt:麦芽
  • Mundane:平凡的

In reality, although Germans do have a taste for hopsbarleymalt and water, most drink steadily in rather more mundane circumstances. This is because beer can be bought and consumed not just in bars, but in shops, gas stations, newspaper stands and on public transport.


08. Uganda



  • Rampant: 泛滥的,猖獗的
  • Rotgut: 劣酒
  • Booze: 酒精饮料

Uganda leads its African neighbors for alcohol intake, largely thanks to a rampant trade in illegally made rotgut and a winning formula of booze made from bananas.

其中最为著名的是一种叫Waragi的烈酒。因为它曾被用于打仗时激励军队,所以又名“战争琴酒”(war gin)。

  • Liquor:烈性酒
  • Fortify:增强

High on the menu is a potent liquor called waragi, also known as war gin because it was once used to fortify troops. Though drinking too much inevitably leads to surrender.


07. South Korea



  • Protocol [‘prəʊtəkɒl]:礼仪

South Korea‘s strict social protocols seem to dissolve in alcohol, with the most hierarchical of relationships turning to brotherhoods by the end of the night, or early morning.



  • Soak up:吸取
  • Slur:(因醉酒)含混不清地说话

A good session involves rapidly soaking up as many “bombs” (mixtures using “golden ratios” of whiskey and beer) as possible and then speaking (or slurring) what‘s left of your mind, preferably to your boss.


06. Moldova


This tiny former Soviet state has earned a reputation for boozing thanks to some World Health Organization stats that placed it top of the table for alcohol consumption. If they are drinking to excess, the Moldovans have a decent selection of homegrown wines to choose from.

Milestii Mici 酒庄的地下酒窖由石灰岩隧道改造而成,长达 200 公里(其中 55 公里用作酒窖),深85 米。酒窖长廊里储藏了约200 万瓶酒,作为世界上最大的葡萄酒存储量,被载入吉尼斯世界纪录。

  • Brandy: 白兰地

They also have their own versions of popular East European fruit brandies. These have the same effect as knocking yourself on the head with a hammer, but without the unnecessary expense of buying a hammer.

05. Ecuador


  • Hangover: 宿醉
  • Penetratingly:深入地
  • Sugar cane:甘蔗

You know you‘re off to a bad start when the local liquor is known as “hangover in a bottle.” The best-selling Zhamir is a cheap but brain-penetratingly potent juice made from sugar cane that will get even the hairs on your head drunk after a couple of sips.


  • Etiquette [‘etɪket]: 礼节,规矩
  • Toast:祝酒
  • Least of all: 最不

There is a drinking etiquette in Ecuador. You must wait until a toast is made until you take the first sip of your drink. After that, you‘re on your own, but it hardly matters since no one — least of all you — will remember anything about it.

04. France


  • Sneer:讥笑

The French may sneer at the uncivilized drinking habits of their European neighbors, but they‘re usually sneering with a glass of French vin close at hand. In France, wine is consumed alongside every meal except breakfast. It‘s often more freely available, and cheaper, than water.


  • Steadfastly:坚定地

Only French wines will do though. Despite regularly losing taste tests to New World rivals, the French remain steadfastly loyal to their own vineyards, almost to the point of denial. Supermarkets rarely sell alcohol that isn‘t French. They‘re happy to eat snails, but they won‘t touch Belgian beer.

03. Russia



  • Stoically:纹丝不动地
  • Shirtless: 光膀子的

For better or worse, drinking is a way of life in Russia. Not something that‘s necessarily done for enjoyment, but something that‘s stoically endured. Like a Siberian winter, gloomy literature or a shirtless political leader.


02. China



  • Incomprehensible:费解的
  • Outsider:局外人
  • Tortuous  [‘tɔː(r)tʃuəs]:拐弯抹角的

The Chinese love celebratory drinking. Weddings, birthdays and business deals are all good excuses. Drinking takes the form of a series of increasingly incomprehensibletoasts. To the outsider, this might seem tortuous. Just wait until the karaoke starts.


  • Splurge:挥霍
  • Chateau [ˈʃɑːtoʊ]:酒庄
  • Fiery:火辣辣的

In the meantime, apart from Shanghai billionaires splurging on US$10,000 bottles ofChateau Margaux, the Chinese mostly stick to fiery grain-based liquors.

01. Britain

爱尔兰人用一个日子来庆祝他们对酒的热爱——圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick‘s Day),而英国人有三个日子:昨天,今天和明天。

  • Abiding:始终不渝的

While the Irish have one date to celebrate their country‘s abiding love of alcohol, the British have three: yesterday, today and tomorrow.



  • Revolve:旋转

The near-constant drinking in the UK revolves around the pub. After a few pints, sometimes the pub begins to revolve, too. A range of light snacks may also be available.


Pub (public house) 不同于我们常见的bar。相比而言,bar比较成人化,而pub可以是家庭酒吧,小孩子可以跟着父母进去。英国前首相卡梅伦有一次就不小心把8岁的女儿落在了酒吧。后来酒吧就挂出一块牌子:“离开时请别遗忘你的孩子。”

  • Reserve:矜持

Alcohol is used by many Brits to overcome their traditional reserve. And so pubs are the places where relationships begin and end, deals are struck, scores are settled and the whole theater of life plays out to its dramatic conclusion.