

“走后门”字面意思是“enter by the back door”,比喻不是通过正当途径,而是通过内部关系谋取通融或利益(secure advantages through pull or influence),带有贬义。

“开后门(open a back door),则比喻当权者以权谋私,滥用职权为他人提供方便(abuse one‘s powers to secure advantages for others)。

  • 她找工作走后门。
    Someone is pulling strings to get a job for her.
  • 这些年买名烟名酒用不着走后门了。
    These years back-door dealings are not needed to buy cigarettes and wines of brand names.
  • 他能走后门是因为他父亲是局长。
    His father is the head of a bureau, so he got in through the back door.