01. New year‘s greetings
- New year‘s wishes/greetings/lucky sayings
在北美,很多外国人都会说“Gung Hay Fat Choy”(恭喜发财),甚至把它误以为是新年快乐的意思。
- 恭喜发财 “Wishing you wealth and prosperity!”
- 红包拿来 “give me some lucky money NOW.”
红包也可以从事实层面译为Red envelope,但lucky money更容易让外国人明白它的含义。
在祝福时很常用这个句式”May you…”:
- 万事如意 “May all your wishes and dreams come true.”
- 新年吉祥 “May the New Year bring you luck and peace.”
02. Wealth related ones
- 财源广进 “May wealth flow in.”
- 和气生财 “May harmony bring wealth.”
- 財源滾滾 “May wealth come pouring in.”
03. General ones
- 大吉大利”May you have great luck and great profit.”
- 年年有余”May you have abundance every year.”
- 事业发达 “May your career take off.”
Take off: (飞机)起飞,(经济等)迅速发展
- 生意兴隆 “May your business flourish.”
Flourish: 兴旺,繁荣
- 学业进步 “May your studies improve.”
- 步步高升 “May every step take you higher.”
- 新年进步 “May the New Year bring better things.”
- 笑口常开 “May you smile often.”
- 身体健康 “Wishing you good health in the new year”
- 合家安康 “May the New Year bring prosperity, health and wealth for your whole family. “