搭配 “have had enough with something or someone” 在口语会话中常用来感叹 “一件事或一个人的行为非常恼人,因此想让它停下来”,它强调说话人的愤怒或不满。比如,如果你已经长时间忍受一件让你感到不满的事情或行为,但终于无法承受,那么这时就可以说:“I’ve had enough. 我受够了。”
- My job keeps getting more and more stressful. I‘ve had enough! I need to resign and look for another one.
我的工作压力越来越大。我再也忍不了了!我要辞职另找下家。 - The traffic noise outside our bedroom window makes it impossible to sleep. We‘re moving next month – we‘ve had enough.
我们卧室窗外的交通噪音大得让人根本没法睡觉。我们下个月搬家,真是受够了。 - David‘s car kept breaking down and he regularly had to take it to the mechanic to get it repaired. In the end he‘d had enough so he decided to sell it and buy and new one.