短语 up to speed 意思是了解事情发展的最新情况, 它也可以指一个人能够胜任某事。 Is Fran up to speed with the project yet? If not, can you please tell her what‘s been going on since the last meeting? Brian wasn‘t v...
当一个地方被比喻为 a hive of activity 时,要表达的意思是此处看上去非常忙碌,一片繁忙的景象。 La Bouqueria market is a hive of activity on a Saturday morning, with vendors selling all sorts of food and drink. Welcome ...
A: Ron. I saw your art show last night, and I must let you know how amazed I was by your incredible accomplishments. A: Ron, 我昨天参观了你的美术展。 我一定要告诉你我对你的卓越成就感到多么惊觃。 B: Oh, you fl...
361. Where did you grow up? 你在哪长大? 362. I grew up right here in this neighborhood. 我就在这临近长大。 363. My friend spent his childhood in California . 我的朋友童年在加利福尼亚度过。 364. He lived in Cal...
潘多拉是希腊神话中第一个尘世女子。普罗米修斯(Prometheus)盗天火给人间后,主神宙斯(Zeus)为惩罚人类,命令神用黏土塑成一个年轻美貌、虚伪狡诈的姑娘,取名“潘多拉”(Pandora),意为“具有一切天赋的女人”。并给了她一个礼盒,然后将她许配给普罗米修斯的弟弟埃庇米修斯(Epimetheus,意为“后知”)。 埃庇米修斯不顾禁忌地接过礼盒,潘多拉...
871. What channel did you watch on television last night? 昨天晚上你在电视上看的哪个台的节目? 872. I don’t get a good picture on my TV set.There’s something wrong. 我的电视机上画面不清楚.可能出毛病了. 873. The next...
226. What time did you get up yesterday morning? 226. 你昨天早上几点钟起的床? 227. I woke up early and got up at 6 o’clock. 227. 我醒得很早,在6:00起的床。 228. My brother got up earlier than I did. 228...
【对话1】 A: Please invite all your friends to join s for dinner too. I will go out and buy more food. B: You are always so very munificent with your time and money. You are a grea...
用英语聊聊压力(一) Jim在走廊上遇到同事Claire,跟Claire打招呼。 Jim: Hey Claire, you‘ve been really quiet these last few days. Is something wrong? Claire: I‘ve been really stressed. It‘s the end ...
★I know he‘s your husband now, but he‘s still my son。 我知道他现在是你老公了,那也是我儿子啊。 ★You don‘t seem very confident about yourself. The littlest comment from me is taken as a criticism...