to see red 这个短语的意思是大怒,狂怒。 The teacher will see red when he finds out you haven‘t done your homework again! He‘ll give you detention. My mum saw red when I came in late for dinner. ...
我们可以用 to rise to the top 来形容某人在自己行业里非常成功,并升到了最高层。 She rose to the top of the legal profession and became one of the most successful lawyers in the country. He rose to the top at a ...
短语 loan shark 直译是“贷款鲨鱼”,实意是指放高利贷的人,而且多数情况下他们是非法放贷的。 During the recession, many people lost their jobs and turned to loan sharks to pay their bills. The police announced they will a...
所谓偷走别人的雷声 steal someone‘s thunder, 实际上意思是窃取别人的成果和荣誉从而达到利己的目的。 Sam stole my thunder when he said he‘d done all the work. It‘s not true – I did most of it! Please don‘t steal my thun...
去 spice something up 的意思就是放更多香料在食物或饮料里使其更有滋味。另外你也可以 spice up 一段讲话、一个表演或活动:在这里就不是放调料了,而是在其中加入更有趣味,引人入胜的内容。 This salad was a bit boring so I spiced it up with some chilli sauce. Mart...
短语“狮子的份额The lion‘s share”意思就是最大份额或最大的一份。 The lion‘s share of my budget is spent on mortgage payments. Although nowadays most women have jobs, they still find themselves doing the l...
老外常用的英语口头禅 “口头禅”最初是佛教禅宗用语,本意指未经心灵证悟就把一些现成的经言和公案挂在嘴边,装作很得道的样子。今指经常挂在口头的词句。 话说前段时间有180余万名网友参与投票评选出了中国人的“十大口头禅”,其中“随便”、高居榜首,“不知道”、“我晕”、“郁闷”等也都榜上有名。 Yep 是 ...
316. Would you please tell Mr. John that I’m here? 316. 你能告诉约翰先生我在这吗? 317. Take these books home with you tonight. 317. 今晚请把这些书带回家。 318. Please bring me those magazines. 318.请把那些杂志...
短语 a pillar of society 指的是那些重要的、有价值的并且参与众多公益活动的社会成员。a pillar of… 还可以和其他社会群体和组织连用。 Jimmy is a pillar of society. He raised millions of dollars to build a new hospital in the city. M...
表达 to play your cards right 的意思是办事处理得当,从而取得成功。人们经常会用这个短语来支持他人作出决定,比如说 if you play your cards right,然后好事就会来了。 If you play your cards right, he might ask you to marry him! John, if y...