
该分文科理科班么?Should Science and arts Education be Separated?

A recent survey shows that different people
hold different attitudes towards whether science and arts education should be
separated. Some people favor the division between science and liberal arts.
They believe that such practice not only provides more focused education but
also lightens students’ academic burden. I don’t think so and I insist that
science and arts education shouldn’t be divided.


I have several reasons to
support my view. First of all, science and arts are integral parts of the
quality education. Students must learn both of them to gain an all-round
development. In addition, there’s no direct connection between students’ study
load and the number of subjects they have to learn. More often than not, it is
the existing educational policy and system that make students feel stressed and
depressed. Finally, it is a fact beyond all disputes that being forced to make
a choice between science and arts, more students will lose interests in their


From the foregoing, we can safely draw a
conclusion that science and arts education shouldn’t be separated from each
