Public speaking is both
interesting and challenging. It is interesting because it asks you to come to a
better understanding of human nature and human communication. It is challenging
because it asks you to take a risk, to put yourself in a situation where you
can succeed or fail in your effort to make a difference. As you go further,
however, you will find more benefits of public speaking go beyond learning how
to express yourself orally. The process of your speaking improves such
practical skills as the following:
1. Organizational Skills
The ability to organize ideas is
a skill you will employ before you ever write a speech. As you practice, you
will also discover that the organizational skills are so essential in composing
speeches because it requires your skills of outlining, planning, organizing and
presenting your ideas logically.
2. Writing Skills
Many of the skills you use to
compose good speeches are the same as those you need to write well. The
practice you gain preparing speeches will improve your ability to express your
ideas on paper. You will learn how to get your audience’s attention, how to
organize your ideas clearly, and how to find more evidences to support your ideas.
These skills will be beneficial to your writing.
3. Critical Thinking
As we know, it’s important to guide
students to think and to analyze. Public speaking skills and related listening
skills provide valuable tools for the critical analysis of ideas. By studying
the use of supportive materials and persuasive strategies, you’ll learn how to
find an argument’s weak points and learn to ask questions, which needs great
critical thinking.
4. Research Skills
Often, when students are asked to
prepare a report, they go to the library or search the Internet to look for the
reference books or articles they need. You will get into contact with a variety
of research materials and select something most valuable to you.
5. Listening Skills
Speaking and listening go hand in
hand. Whenever someone gives a speech, there is an audience to listen to it. By
learning good speaking techniques, you’ll prepare speeches within audience’s
understanding. You will also learn how to listen to other speakers in order to
hear all the key points.
6. Strain Capacity
Giving a speech to a group of
people involves a great deal of risk. However, it is true that by learning how
to give a speech in front of a group, your self-confidence will grow, which helps
you to confident enough to communicate with others and adapt to different
situations. To a large extent, success in life depends on your ability to adapt
to your environment and feel good about yourself.