
与自然和谐共处 Live in harmony with nature

Today’s weather suddenly dropped, making this supposedly hot May exceptionally quiet. The temperature is not terrible, terrible is the weather also under the rain, so that I live dozens of kilometers away on the way to school made a distress. I know that the weather is not very good everywhere this year, but this is the arrangement of nature, is the law of nature, we human beings can not intervene in it, can only silently accept. This reminds me of what my mother always told me……


“There is a presumption that we have exploited all the land resources, then the sea, then the sky and this disregard for the majesty of nature will soon be brought back. So we do ourselves, do not litter, do not pollute nature, we will be safe through life ~ “thinking of my mother said the truth, I did not understand when I was a child, now suddenly figured it out.


To protect nature and live in harmony with nature is a small thing within the power of each of us, but if people all over the world abide by it, then nature will be very gentle to us.
