
欢迎加入书法俱乐部 Welcome to Join Our Handwriting Club

Welcome to join our painting and handwriting club! I believe that you will enjoy yourself in our club. There are variety of interesting activities and also many helpful courses. For example, we often organize members to go out for sketching in may nice scenes; and for those who like Chinese brush writing, our club also asked some experts and senior students, who are good at brush writing, to provide helpful courses. So joining our club will help you improve your skills meanwhile you can make friends with the same hobby.
Thus, if you are interested in our club, we are welcome to join us whenever you want. You can connect with us by sending an Email to paint&[email protected], please sent some simple personal information about you, like the name, the gender, the major and mobile phone number and so on. Or you can come to our official room in the student center. We are waiting you! Hurry up!
如果你对我们俱乐部感兴趣,我们欢迎你随时加入我们。你可以通过邮箱联系我们,发邮件到paint&[email protected],记得写清你的一些信息,像是姓名、性别、专业以及联系电话。或者你也可以到我们在学生活动中心的办公室来。我们等着你!赶紧的!